Action / Comedy | 94 mins

Movie Info

  • Release Date: 4 FEB 2016
  • Classification: P13
  • Language: Mandarin
  • Director: Micheal Chuah
  • Cast; Uncle Frankie, KK Wong, Micheal Chuah, Brendan Yuen
  • Format: 2D

Movie Story

With the recent crime rate, a group of people decided to form a neighbourhood watch to patrol their small town. The people who formed the watch are mostly retirees, and are fans of action movies, always imagining themselves to be an action hero like their idol. The watch consist of 6 individuals, led by Uncle Meng.

However, there is not much happening in their peaceful town, and they mostly help out with the townsfolk in petty things such as finding their missing pets. They always dream of something bigger, but the day never comes, until one fateful day. A group of assassin arrives in the town to target one of their target, Ting Ting who has been hiding in their town. With nowhere to go, Ting Ting seeks help from the neighborhood watch. Uncle Meng and his group of misfits decides to rise up to the challenge, and to live their dream of being an action hero.

隨著近期犯罪率不斷升高,明叔(李世平 飾)組織了一幫人來維護村子的治安,他們大多是閒閒沒事的村民,平常喜歡看動作片,幻想自己是電影裡的超級英雄。直到有天,一名被黑道追殺的神秘女孩出現,並向他們尋求協助的時候,這幫人明白成為英雄的時刻終於來了!

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